Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.

Monday, August 15, 2011

I need to be grateful.

This summer I spent a good amount of time catching up on what is going on in the world.
     I didn't like what I learned.
There is so much violence, hatred, and suffering taking place in so many countries. It breaks my heart to read on CNN that 29,000 estimated children have perished from malnutrition and parchment in Somalia. Learning about riots throughout Britain makes me question my love for the country. Hearing about the everlasting war in Islamic countries makes my blood boil. The declining economy of the United States leaves me feeling uncertain about my future. Deaths due to arbitrary reasons are engulfing my personal life. Taking life day by day is now how I function. Never expect to put something important off until some other day; no one is guaranteed tomorrow.

All of this makes me so grateful for what I have. I've come to not only accept, but embrace my parents overprotectiveness. I no longer find fault in them wanting me constantly under their radar. Staying out late, drinking, unnecessarily breaking rules: none of this appeals to me. I appreciate their way of wanting me to invest in my education now. This summer it really hit home for me that not every person is given the opportunities that I am given.
My parents support me in whatever I do. They've been my backbone for pursuing my vocal talents, educational goals, and advancing in tennis. I am so fortunate to have the life I have. We are all lucky to live the good lives.
     Although I might have not gone out and partied my heart out as I could have done, this summer was still memorable for me.
I learned to embrace the life I live.
I learned to appreciate anything thrown my way.
I learned to accept some major flaws in my life.
I learned to be independent.
I learned to no longer take living the first-world life for granted.
I learned that I need to be grateful.